An Evolutionary Leap in ITS. Award-Winning Safety. Remarkably Simple. Powerfully Compact. We’d like to introduce you to something special we’ve been cooking up at QLynx. It’s called the Nano. It’s the latest in our line of portable ITS devices. It integrates seamlessly into our award-winning smart work zone system.
A queue system provides slow and stopped traffic warnings to motorists before they reach potentially hazardous traffic conditions, giving them time to slow down safely and avoid potential collisions.
These systems are especially useful in areas with low sight distance caused by horizontal or vertical curves.

When slow-moving construction vehicles exit the work zone into fast-moving highway traffic, it can create a hazardous situation and lead to traffic accidents. The Solution? The Trucks Entering Roadway Warning System. This real-time warning system alerts oncoming motorists of construction vehicles, enabling them to avoid accidents.
We can help design, spec, build, deploy and operate custom systems to fit your specific project requirements. QLynx Technologies’ Smart Work Zone Systems automatically detect and disseminate real-time traffic information including travel times, end-of-queue warnings and speed ahead display — as well as volume and occupancy data for work zone traffic analysis.

Dynamic Lane Merge Systems are designed to improve safety and efficiency on roadways with a lane merge. When traffic is congested, a DLMS system will advise motorists to merge late, thus reducing backups and increasing road capacity. And when traffic is free-flow, it allows normal merge patterns.

QLynx Technologies Portable Camera Trailer systems allow you to remotely monitor real-time traffic conditions and broadcast them via the website to motorists or link to TMC employees. Easily monitor the construction zone and road conditions. Identify incidents quickly in order to alert first responders.

Work Zone ITS Pins are connected devices that digitally mark your work zone bounds. This allows display of your work zone on mapping services such as Waze and Google. ITS pins also support FHWA WZDX Work Zone Data Exchange integration, which is the new standard for sharing work zone information.