(1) FHWA 2012, http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/resourcecenter/teams/operations/ops_3TWZ.pdf, site visited December 2013.

(2) Occupational Highway Transportation Deaths Among Workers Aged ≥55 Years — United States, 2003–2010, CDC Website, August 23, 2013. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6233a1.htm?s_cid=mm6233a1_e

(3) Lachhwani and Horowitz, Criteria for Portable ATIS, Center for Urban Transportation Studies, University of Wisconsin, October 2005, p23

(4) Lachhwani and Horowitz, Criteria for Portable ATIS, Center for Urban Transportation Studies, University of Wisconsin, October 2005, p63

(5) Bushman et al, Probabilistic performance model for evaluation of a smart work zone deployment, 2007, http://ecommons.usask.ca/handle/10388/etd-03192007-142727

(6) Lachhwani and Horowitz, Criteria for Portable ATIS, Center for Urban Transportation Studies, University of Wisconsin, October 2005, p61